Are you an estate planner?
◆◆ Do you regularly wish for more hours in a day?
◆◆ Do you often go to a client’s home to help them sort through paperwork or gather title documents?
◆◆ Are you constantly interrupted by client phone calls asking for local business referrals?
◆◆ Are your clients ready to discuss estate planning?

Let us help you prepare your clients for estate planning and save your clients’ money by using us to
- gather and sort their financial paperwork
- identify active accounts
- summarize assets
- help them list which beneficiaries receive the family heirlooms
- help them downsize for aging in place or moving to another home
Are you the administrator of an estate?
You may need some hands-on assistance at the property.
We will:

- Search for hidden tangible assets
- Sort and organize documents, summarize financial paperwork
- Manage the disposition of the tangible personal property for you
- Sell, donate and trash
- Coordinate shipping to heirs, including internationally
We provide:
- On-site supervision for work preparing the home for sale
- Control access to the property
- Reserve facility elevators and loading docks
- Updates with photos to keep you current on progress
We value privacy issues:
- Non-Disclosure agreements signed by all employees
- Communications only as permitted by Disclosure form
- Secured email, if desired