Client C Before and After Photos

This was a very difficult case. This client had to move out of the house she was renting because of the unhealthy living conditions. There was mold in the basement going 3 feet up the wall. This meant that inside the wall it was even worse. Due to all the water we ran a dehumidifier she had non-stop. We emptied it twice a day and wore masks and gloves while working in the basement. The floor was covered with possessions so everything was wet and was at the same time keeping the floor from evaporating.

We took everything in the house and boxed and bagged it up. We worked with the client as much as possible to make decisions on what to throw out and what to box. Everything we boxed was hauled to a storage facility. The client will be going through those items at a later date. The house has needed a lot of repair. In the basement the mold remediation company had to remove the bottom 4 feet from all the walls, treat the inside and outside of the walls, remove the carpet and treat the floors. They also ran huge industrial dehumidifiers on every level of the home for days to get the place dry. We are looking forward to updating these after photos with pictures of the repaired home.

Before Images

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After Images

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