06 Dec 2012

2013 New Year’s Resolutions

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With the year coming to a close it is time to reflect on the past and, assuming the world doesn’t end on December 21,  plan for the future.  It has been a good year for us and we plan for that to continue.  I hope that you can say the same.

The phenomenom of New Year’s Resolutions is fascinating and the subject of many surveys and studies. The top resolutions tend to repeat year after year, so the Top 10 New Years resolutions for 2012 are a pretty good indicator of what 2013 will bring. I’m sure that it will surprise no one that the #1 resolution was “lose weight” and #7 was “quit smoking”. Also in the top 10 are “fall in love” and “spend more time with family”. What may come as a surprise is that the #2 resolution was “getting organized”. That may have something to do with the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) chapters sponsoring Get Organized events every January.

Unfortunately for fans of resolutions only 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolution. People need help keeping their resolutions, and sometimes some people need help getting started working on their resolutions. People have greater success when they make explicit goals and when they have help in reaching them. That’s what we do. We help our clients reach their goals and develop systems to help them stay on top of their situation.

According to a PriceGrabber survey last year, 41% of people said that they planned to do their holiday shopping between December 21 and 24.  And amazingly, 11% of men and 8% of women admitted that they wait until January to buy holiday gifts. If you find yourself in the category of last minute shoppers and you know someone who regularly resolves to get organized, give us a call.  We have gift certificates.

About the Author

works mostly behind the scenes at Conquer the Clutter, supporting Maria's efforts to make the world a neater place to live.

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