14 Dec 2017

Making Better Resolutions

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Happy New Year!

Are you considering making a resolution? More than one? If so, you are one of millions of Americans that use the new year to try to make changes to their lives. Sometimes these are major changes:

  • “I’m going to lose 50 pounds this year.”
  • “I’m going to exercise for an hour every day.” (even though you never have before)
  • “I’m going to get out of debt this year by tracking every penny and not spending on any extras.”
  • “I’m going to reorganize my whole house and have the whole family here next year for Christmas.”

Have you ever considered why some people can hold to a resolution but most can’t? It’s simple. When a goal is too big it’s hard to maintain without messing up. When most of us slip up we just give up. We feel overwhelmed and like a failure because we couldn’t do it. It often doesn’t help that the few who succeed often wind up on TV touting how all it took was willpower. Remember that the person you are seeing is less than 1% if the population and many have the motivator of getting on TV that helps them to reach the goal. What is interesting is that many are right back where they were within a year or two.

I’d like you to try something new this year.

Pick one tiny goal. Maybe it’s to put your empty soda can in the recycling bin in the kitchen instead of the trash can next to your chair. Maybe it’s to put on your running shoes and walk to the end of your driveway and back into the house. How about putting the receipts from your wallet or pockets into a box on your desk every night? It should feel almost silly to have this task as a goal.

Each month, pick another tiny goal. Keep the old one going and add the new one. Again, it should be super simple. It could be to add other items to what is going into the recycling bin. It could be to put your clothes in the wash basket instead of the floor. Maybe you will walk to the corner instead of the end of the driveway. Maybe you will pay the bills on the same day of the week. It could be anything. Again, make sure it’s tiny and easy to do.

 If you mess up, just start again with the next chance you have to do the task. Don’t beat yourself up, just throw away the soda can in the recycling bin the next time you have one.

By using the beginning of the month instead of the first of the year as your chance to do something to improve yourself, you get 12 chances to get better. These tiny habits you are creating will add up over time and you will find that it’s easier to succeed at these little ones than that great big one your friend made. By the end of the month you will have a new habit and you won’t have to think about doing the task, it will just be part of your routine. Overall, you will have something to feel good about all year and really – isn’t that the best of resolutions?

Good luck from all of us here at Conquer the Clutter!

About the Author

is an author, a speaker and the founder of Conquer the Clutter.

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